
Food & Beverage

Moved to NetSuite from


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Client Wins

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  • Complete data visibility to support scalable growth
  • Increased business confidence  
  • Ability to adapt to changing market dynamics       
  • Easily integrated plug-ins to enhance efficiency across the business

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Where we started

Bright Brewery is known for producing Mountain Crafted beers in the breathtaking alpine town of Bright, Victoria. The family owned and operated business includes brewery, bar, restaurant, and bike hub that drive significant tourism to the region.

As the business began to grow, it faced complexities and inefficiencies in its processes. Relying on manual coordination and spreadsheets to manage their operations was limiting access to key information across departments. Extracting and integrating data was time-consuming and prevented the business from making efficient and informed decisions.

Recognising they needed a comprehensive business management system, Bright Brewery looked for an ERP solution that would streamline their operations and enable scalable growth.

What we delivered

With a comprehensive understanding of both NetSuite and the business, Cloud Culture recommended the implementation of NetSuite Manufacturing in conjunction with Barrel ERP to add brewery specific functionality to the platform.

Post-implementation, we were also able to seamlessly integrate WooCommerce online ordering, and Ready Freight to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of freight bookings.

From the very start of the project, we worked closely with the Bright Brewery team so they could take ownership of the system and use it effectively to drive business growth.

We successfully navigated some minor challenges during data extraction from the legacy system to implement a successful go-live on Melbourne Cup weekend in November 2019.

The Business They're Being

Thanks to real-time data accessibility and scalability, Bright Brewery now has the necessary tools to make informed decisions and adapt to changing market dynamics.

NetSuite has enhanced processes throughout the business. Employees are better able to understand the irresponsibilities, and Cloud Culture’s ongoing support has given the Bright Brewery’s management the confidence they need to face the challenges of business growth.

The disruption caused by the COVID-19pandemic tested Bright Brewery's resilience shortly after the implementation. With many staff working remotely, the seamless continuity and visibility offered by NetSuite played a key role in helping the business navigate these additional challenges.

A collaboration with NetSuite payroll partner, Infinet Cloud, ensured smooth processing of government assistance programs like JobKeeper for their hospitality staff, when their hospitality venue was forced to close under COVID restrictions.

NetSuite's flexibility will allow for easy integration of additional plug-ins, providing further opportunities as the business grows.

The biggest challenge we faced before ERP was overall operating visibility on costs and profits. We just didn't have a handle on the true numbers, in real time. The Cloud Culture team was open-minded, flexible, funny and happy to talk to us. Steve understands our industry, our product, and he understands what's involved. They were consistent and delivered what they promised for a very reasonable budget.
Marthijs Heuperman
Projects, Sustainability & Logistics Manager, Bright Brewery

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